I was telling a story at a dinner party and someone interrupted.

They took a bit of a dig at me. And smiled.

What happened next lasted for days. Really.

‘How could they belittle me like that?’ . What am I supposed to say?

What is this raw emotion and where does it come from?

You want to control your emotions? Good luck with that. You can’t control emotions and if you think you can then they will end up controlling you.

Like a pack of wolves they will steal you away when the darkness falls.

You know this already.

You see emotions are an important part of our life. They are useful in signalling to us if something isn’t working for us or needs changing. Emotions are like our inbuilt warning systems.

Feeling emotions is a natural part of the awareness of living. They can set the thermostat of your day-to-day experience. If we are generally living in an attitude of fear and worry all of our decisions are impacted by that state.

If, instead, we take an outlook of joy and love we will find that the world opens up in front of us in an entirely different way.

This is the path to peace and joy.

But emotions can and will change, sometimes from moment to moment. The problems start when we forget to really feel the emotion and let it play out, instead of trying to suppress it.

This is futile.

We attempt to cover it over and stuff into a mental sack labelled ‘Emotional Baggage.’

You have a choice when you feel a strong emotion. You can either release and let it go or add it to your emotional baggage.

The trouble with emotional baggage is that keeping it suppressed and under control takes a lot of mental energy. Hiding our emotions leaves us with very little dynamic spirit to do anything else.

I recently read a terrific summary of how to release emotions. If you find that the same emotions are coming up for you time and time again then you are not releasing them, they build up and start to dominate your thoughts.

Here’s how to clear them:

  1. Ask yourself if it’s possible to let go of this emotion.
  2. If it is, then ask yourself if you would.
  3. If you would, then ask yourself when is the right time.

The way to release the emotions is to say Yes, Yes and Now!

Holding onto emotions like resentment or jealousy harms nobody but yourself.

Perhaps you think you’ll pay them back by staying annoyed with them for a bit longer. Well, the only person being affected here is you.

You need to release it.

Once you release an emotion you will feel lighter as you let go. As you practice you can release emotions as they happen.

Feel them and let them go.