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Finding Balance in the Breakdowns
Rhythm is more than just sound—it lives in the body, in breath, in movement. It is the pulse that keeps everything in motion, from the beat of a drum to the natural cycles of life. When rhythm and...
The Mind-Body Connection in Drumming
Being an enthusiastic drummer, I have personally witnessed the remarkable influence of drumming in creating and strengthening the mind-body connection. Drumming is not just about playing a rhythm or...
Playing Less and Bringing More
There is a strange effect occurs when we strip away notes from patterns and then try to play them. Often they get harder, and harder can mean more interesting. If you are looking for inspiration or...
Inner Drummer: Finding Balance, Rhythm, and the Tao of the Drum
I've been fascinated by the Tao Te Ching for many years. I found great solace in how it speaks to the simplicity of living in harmony with the universe. Over time, I've felt a deep connection...
How Does Drumming Affect The Brain?
New scientific evidence and research is appearing everyday to outline and objectify the many benefits of drumming and its positive effects on the brain. In my own experience I always remember taking...
Groove Cubes – Rhythm Dice Now Available
This is the new set of Groove Cubes rhythm dice that you can use to create snappy grooves as simple or as challenging as you like. Ideal to use on your own or with a group. Perfect for musicians,...
So Teaching Means I’m a Failure? What Can I Do Now?
When you say that you teach, you always get some purveyor of wisdom shoving this old chestnut at you. 'Well, you know what they say? Those that can do and those that can’t teach!' So if my vision is...
Important Not Urgent: An Incredibly Easy Method That Works For All
When your son tells you that your house is falling down you pay attention. In actual case it was just some cracks appearing in the wall. It's because we have a newly built apartment and after a...
Practice is the Key – Why You Have To Replace Dreams With Practice
The thing about having a dream, or even just setting a big goal, is that it can stop you in your tracks. You freeze. I'll show you how practice is the key. “I don’t know if I could ever do that!”...