New scientific evidence and research is appearing everyday to outline and objectify the many benefits of drumming and its positive effects on the brain.

In my own experience I always remember taking to the drum kit to restore my sanity or when I needed to turn down the overwhelm that was threatening to side-swipe me. Even to this day I notice the days when I go without even a 20 minute drum session. I can feel more irritable and unfocussed.

Drumming is such an embodied process that many physiological and psychological pathways are stimulated at the same time that direct beneficial effects are experienced.

Firstly, the focus brought to the rhythms that you are playing tends to reduce mind chatter and negative biased worry creating a noticeable reduction in anxiety. Similarly the physical motions of drumming can bring a relaxation response which will help to reduce stress levels both mentally and physically.

Continued drumming reduces tension and can also help to alleviate aggression and anger patterns. There are widespread reports of success of using recreational drumming activities to counter trauma, ADHD, PTSD, depression, and addiction. Though the results are often felt in during the sessions themselves, sustained interventions can lead to ongoing long term improvements.

Drumming can be a hugely social and collaborative experience and can help to boost endorphin production and banish loneliness and isolation.

The brain itself benefits largely from the neuroplastic effect. Many areas of the brain are stimulated as we play and as these neural pathways are repeatedly fired, the insulating myelin sheaths become thicker creating stronger synaptic response. The brain structure changes and healthy pathways become hardwired into our grey matter.

The potential for neurogenesis through the process of drumming leads to the exciting prospect of reversing memory loss and overcoming dementia and all of its debilitating effect.

From improvements in health to boosts in mental strength and clarity, regular focused drumming has proven itself to produce a wealth of brain and body benefits across all age groups regardless of ability or previous experience.

Pick up a drum, tap into your spirit, feel the magic!