I’ve been fascinated by the Tao De Ching for many years and have begun working on an adaptation that brings the sentiment of ‘The Way’ into the world of drumming and rhythm.

It’s my own exploration of this famous text and has been created by reference to the many number of public domain translations that exist.

I hope that it allows you to deepen your own journey into rhythm and into the Tao of the Drum.


Don’t try to impress 

Let the audience be free from judgements

Don’t brag about what you’ve done

And no one will try to bring you down

Don’t play for just money

And keep your art pure

The Tao drummer’s world is tranquil

His mind is calm

His playing is enough

His aspirations are modest

And rhythms are strong

As you play be unknowing and without wanting

Let the rhythm flow unforced

Drum without drumming

Everything is rhythm